it’s how our brains are wired

Image of a brain

Neuroscience tells us that the richer the stimuli presented during an experience, the more the brain is able to imprint the memory, and form associations.

That means that the more sensory stimuli you embed as part of your customer experience, in a consistent and cohesive manner, the more your audience is able to be transported to that experience even with just one of those elements presented again.

In commercial terms this can translate as stronger brand loyalty, preference, brand association, recall and recommendation. It makes sense.

harnessing the senses

Sensory marketing has already been adopted by many brands who recognise the value of deploying non-conscious stimuli, tapping into the deepest parts of our brains. Research into it’s benefits has been building for over two decades, with overwhelming evidence of the power of harnessing the power of the five human senses: taste, touch, sight, sound, smell.

Imagine Christmas without the John Lewis ad soundtrack. Imagine visiting an Apple Store but not touching any devices. Or passing a Starbucks shop without the smell of freshly ground beans tempting you in. These brands all use sensory stimuli to provoke a reaction from their customers. The result?

Brand love. Purchase. Consideration.

BrandSensory® helps brands to harness the power of all five senses to transform ordinary customer transactions into memorable brand experiences.

Don’t just take our word for it…